"This post is completely dedicated to Babasaheb Dr. Bheem Rao Ambedkar ji."
Hello Every one,Today we are celebrating 128 birth anniversary of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar I am feeling very happy to write this blog and I think everyone must read about such a great person who have Lets remember his works and let us take oath to be united. changed the India very ago,written the constitution of india and gave rights to all that they deserve.
Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar(14 April 1891 to 6 December 1956),was social reformer,jurist(Barrister),social scientist,economist and a great Politician. He was born in Mhow,Central British Provinces(todays's Ambedkar nagar in Madhya pradesh in INDIA). He was very well educated person that is inspiration for today's Generation. He was having B.A,(1913),Double M.A(1915 and 1916),Ph.D(1921),Barrister-at-law(1922),D.Sc(1923) along with D.Sc(1923),LL.D.(1952,hon.) and D.Litt.(1953,hon) Degrees. He completed his graduattion from University of mumbai,post graduation from columbia university and later completed double PG from London school of echonomics. now you were thinking of,in present time there are very less people who has degrees like him,right?? well thats true.He was also a wise constitutional expert,he stutied constitution of 60 countries. Dr. B. R. Ambedkar was first indian to pursue a doctorate in economics abroad. He was a professional economist and RBI(Rserve Bank of India),was based on the idea proposed by him to the Hilton Young Comission. He have recieved India's highest civillian Award Bharat Ratna(in 1990) after death. He was the person who dedicated a large percent of life for society.
He was First Law and Justice Minister of independent India and The chairman of Drafting commitee.. He was popularly known as Babasaheb,meaning 'Respected Father'.
In Ancient India,There were a lot of social evils that time(in fact some are still effective). some of them were untouchability and Discrimination(on the basis of colour and casteism). People of Higher castes(Especially Brahmins) treated the Dalit People very badly like as animals. That was very unhuman and untolerable. The people from small castes were not allowed to study,not allowed to go for temple,not allowed to come out of house at morning and evening,not allowed to touch people of higher castes,and not allowed to drink water from Well and handpumps as well.. There were devdasis prathas,in which the girl child have to live in temples forever till death. These are still effective in temples of south india nowadays. Dr. B. R. Ambedkar started campaigns against untouchability and Discrimination. He founded ALL INDIA SCHEDULED CASTE FEDERATION(AISCF) and also did so many other reforms in the society.some of his works which inspired the whole SC/ST society are: 1. Poona Pact - Gave Depressed class(SC/ST) seats in Legislature. 2. Written Indian Constitution - Which is world's largest handwritten constitution
3. Established AKhil Bhartiya Dalit Federation
4. Gave Explanation for Opposition to Aryan Invasion Theory.
5. Opposed to Article 370 - under which Jammu and Kashmir has a special status.
6. Supported Uniform Civil Code - which proposes gender equality in the law of inheritance and marriage He also wrote many books,some of them are..castes in india,The Untouchables: who were they and how they became untouchables? Annihilation Of caste,The Buddha and His Dhamma,The Pali Grammar and many more. people like him borns onle few in a century..And On same date as today That Great person came on earth.. This day Infact,Is A FESTIVAL.Ok Thats it for now but if you want to read more about Babasaheb and his life experiences then Go to the links that are provided below..
The summary of this blog is: To motivate people to follow pathways given by Dr. B. R. Ambedkar. He always said that,'Be Educated,Be United and then fight for your rights'. Means,"Sikshit bano,Sangathit Bano,Aur fir Sangharsh Karo." He also said that,"If by chance you are unable to make community good, Then you do such work due to which the community is being known by your works and Make your community feel higher than others MAKE YOUR COMMUNITY PROUD.
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